Sunday, December 23, 2012


the past weeks have been busy and a bit stressfull, but that's over now, because i can enjoy doing nothing for 2 weeks. that is the plus for working at a school!
friday was the last day before the holiday. with my colleagues there is a tradition that we make christmas floral arrangements in the afternoon. i'm not much of a christmas girl so i usually make a normal arrangement. but i wouldnt be me if i didnt hurt myself doing so. so this year i decided to not only cut the flowers, but also my hand.... ouch! stupid mistake, talking and cutting something hard with very sharp flower scissors...
but hey, the flowers look good!
i also wanted to share this iphone cover i made with the tapestry crochet technique. it really gets easier once you practise!
and this lovely cute cup, made by the girls of het Paradijs. <3 


  1. Oei dat ziet eruit alsof je je hand flink hebt opengehaald. Maar de bloemen zien er inderdaad erg mooi uit! Ook je telefoonhoesje vind ik echt super, zowel qua patroon al qua kleurencombinatie! Alvast fijne feestdagen gewenst!

  2. oeh is dat mijn telefoonhoesje? :D

    1. Echt wel! Woensdag neem ik hm mee, plus de bierkip!


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