Monday, May 30, 2011

beautifully sad

Beautifully sad

french coffee drinking

i love french movies
a thing i've noticed:
french people drink coffee from a bowl
i think they only do that at breakfast 
but it fascinates me

and when i was looking for photo's of an actual french coffee bowl i came across this
it has nothing to do with coffee, but it made me smile!

happy monday!

Sunday, May 29, 2011

sunny days!

sunny days!

p.s. if anyone can tell me how to put my photo's next to each other in blogger: THANK YOU!

Monday, May 23, 2011

crochet flower - TUTORIAL


This tutorial will be in English (als je hm ook in NL wilt, schrijf even een reactie!)
The stitches are written in US crochet terms :-)

ch 8 and join into a ring (8)
sc 2 in every ch (16)
 [ch 4, skip 1 st, sc in next] repeat 7 times (8 total)
this makes 8 'loops'
see photo below
 [1sc, 1hdc, 1dc, 1hdc, 1sc] in every 'loop'
 turn the flower over to wrong side
ch 4 between, attach the ch 4 to the base of the next petal (see photo)
repeat 7 times (8 total)
 [1sc, 1 hdc, 3 dc, 1 hdc, 1 sc] repeat 7 times (8)
 Again, ch 5 and attach to the base of the next petal
8 times
[1sc, 1 hdc, 5 dc, 1 hdc, 1 sc] repeat 7 times (8)

turn your flower over and
admire your crochet flower!!

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Etsy love

Sarah en ik hebben allebei 5 Etsy items uitgezocht om met jullie te delen.
Binnenkort weer eigengemaakte dingen :-)

Eerst de vijf van Sarah

En dan de mijne!

Have fun shopping!

Thursday, May 12, 2011


Ik ben totaal verliefd op dit kleurenschema

wat vinden jullie?

Saturday, May 7, 2011

sweet cat

 Zelfs zonder beentjes al schattig!
t is een cadeautje :-)

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Deze tekening vond ik zo lief
ik heb er een gehaakte versie van gemaakt,
kijk maar in de shop!